
The Foothills
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Covered in lush grasses and wild flowers, The Foothills serve as a small natural border between The Rift and The Overlook. The only natural barrier afforded to the horses who live here, they take great care to guard them well.
The River
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Cutting a winding, wide path through The Valley, the water catches the sunlight and seems to sparkle. The river feeds the land, making the soil rich and growth and life abundant. In all but Spring, the waters flow calm and gentle and are an excellent place for horses to play or swim.
The Valley
LEAD Emrys

Full of lush green grasses and gentle rolling hills, The Valley is a paradise for the horses who live here. However because the land shares a border with not only other territories but also the free roaming lands and with little in the way of protection from natural land formations, they are at an increased risk of intruders.
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auratus regnum: stats, roster, etc. ( Apr 19, 2024 19:49:36 GMT )
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